Friday, February 12, 2010

How We Spent The Blizzard Of 2010

Digging out.

Visiting with family.

More digging...

Lots of pretend play.

Lots of kisses

Snuggling with our best friends.

Being super cute.

Gazing for hours at the amazing snow with our favorite peeps.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blizzard 2010

We have been hit hard by another snow storm on a Saturday! This was the worst yet... accumulating up to 30" in some areas! We enjoyed the day snuggled inside our warm little house. Christopher joined Ryan outside twice in the snow. The drifts were twice as high as him! Lilly and I spent the afternoon napping. It was a day filled with giggles, games, buttermilk pancakes, popcorn and hot cocoa. It was a perfect Winter day, and that's saying a lot considering I have only been out twice in 2 1/2 weeks (last time was last Saturday!). I just love spending time with just the four of us. I feel so blessed.

Sunday we did more of the same. In the afternoon we went to friends' house to sled down their giant hill in their backyard. Ryan took Christopher down once. Christopher then said "all done, Daddy". I think he was a bit scared. I stayed inside nursing sweet Lilly. It was a real treat getting out of the house for a few hours. It was also adventurous, as our friends live down a long driveway and it wasn't dug out yet! I am sure we were a sight walking through knee deep snow with a toddler, a newborn and diaper bags in tow!
How Lilly spends 23 out of 24 hours.

I love this picture. I did a photo shoot for Lilly's birth announcements and unfortunately I can't use this one for the template I liked- it needs to be portrait view. Oh well, I chose another equally adorable picture.

And this was only half way through the storm!

Hat head Christopher waiting patiently for his hot chocolate.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lilly Lovin'

All my fears of Christopher having a negative response to a new baby sister can be put to rest. The boy LOVES his little sister. Ryan and I don't push him towards her, or tell him to do anything with her for fear of "over doing it". I even try to limit the amount of time I hold her in front of Christopher for fear of triggering any kind of jealousy. That is why it is especially sweet when Christopher is the one to seek her out. He does it out of genuine love and concern. After his nap yesterday he ran into her room, pulled a stool over to her crib and peered over the rail. Instead of finding her there, he found the crib empty. His response? "Baby Lilly is gone!". I told him she was napping on my bed. Off he ran into our room, he climbed up on our bed, straddled over her and ever so gently kissed her several times on her face. He is so gentle with her, I almost needn't worry about when he is near her. He loves looking at her, commenting "Baby Lilly has tiny toes", "Baby Lilly's hair is black", "Be gentle with Baby's eyes", or "Baby Lilly is sleeping". If she cries he reassures her "its ok Lilly". He is such a sweet concerned Big Brother. I am so proud of him.