Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunshine and Giggles

My Cool Little Dude...

I don't know why I didn't post this pic with the other beach photos. I think its funny with him sucking in his tummy.

This is how Christopher always puts on his sunglasses. Cracks me up.

Summer Time Fun:

There are a few things that I can't help associate with childhood fun. Catching fireflies has to be top on the list. Ryan showed Christopher how to catch these little guys and lets just say it provided endless fun. And yes, he put them in his little "bug house" and they sat on the vanity during bath time lighting up to Christopher's delight. Unfortunately the next morning we found some escapees.

And Lilly has really come into her own lately. Last Friday I went to her crib to find her on her tummy! That settles it, she is a tummy sleeper full time now. I lay her on her back and she almost immediately rolls over. She is all over the crib too. I stopped swaddling her completely as of Thursday night and now she sleeps great as long as she has the freedom to find her own comfy position. Now I wish I wasn't so slow in removing the swaddle. She really is the happiest baby around. Here she is giggling at Papa's antics, there is some Christopher lovin' going on as well:

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