Happiness is:
(from a 2 year old's perspective)
- sipping hot cocoa as snow tumbles down outside.
-baking Christmas cookies and sampling each kind as they come from the oven.
-playing (and fighting) with cousins.
-making fun ornaments, with glittery gluey mess and all.
-trying to ride your 11 month old sister as she crawls down the hall (despite Mom's admonishments)
-sitting so still in your room as you watch little birdies munch on seed in the window bird feeder. "Look Mommy, a Black Capped Chickadee!"
-helping your Mommy every chance you can in the kitchen, from baking, to dinner to cleanup... its all FUN!
-seeing the reflection in the mirror after you have successfully dressed yourself.
-learning a new Christmas carol everyday.
-Chik-Fil-A play dates.
-Daddy coming home, then snuggling with him under a blanket and reading a book together.