Friday, December 10, 2010

Music Therapy

Sometimes I really have to hand it to my sister Lisa. A little while back she talked me through a rough afternoon with my nap resistant kids. For not yet being a mom (c'mon already!), Lisa has some great insight to parenting. And not in the know-it-all, assuming way like some kidless people I've met. Her ideas on handling a grumpy Christopher often work. She is so patient and quiet with kids. When they are with her she sits quietly an genuinely listens to them as if they were the only people on Earth. And kids notice the difference.

So back to my rough afternoon. I was at my wits end, the kids were in there rooms, screaming and not napping. I vented to Lisa "I don't know how I am going to get through this afternoon". Lisa's advice? Get out some music that I haven't listened to in awhile, play it loud and have a dance party with the kids. BINGO. The kids were happy to be liberated from their rooms and were totally digging some cranked up Bob Marley. The best part was watching Lilly bob to the reggae beat. How could I not be in a better mood after seeing that? Lisa, you are a genius!

Since then I have been digging out some of my old tunes. I have gotten so carried away with entertainment that is geared towards kids, I have lost track of my tunes. I forgot how liberating it is to belt out to the Beatles at the top of my lungs. And Christopher loves it. So now, when a day is not turning out the way I wanted, I turn to music therapy. Thanks Lisa.

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